110 VCs, $150 Billion, and a Bold Pledge for Kamala Harris"
Today, something exciting is happening in the world of venture capital and politics: 110 venture capitalists, managing a whopping $150 billion, have thrown their support behind Kamala Harris. That’s right—VCs for Kamala is here, and it's making waves.
Now, you might be thinking, "Wow, that's a lot of money and a lot of VCs!" But before you start imagining a room full of billionaires in designer suits, let’s clarify one thing: this isn’t just a bunch of folks with dollar signs in their eyes. It’s a collective effort by venture capitalists who believe in Kamala Harris’s vision and leadership.
Let’s address the elephant in the room: there are a dozen billionaire VCs with a noticeable bias toward, well, greed. They’ve been making headlines lately, and not always for the best reasons. But they certainly don’t speak for everyone in the venture capital community.
In fact, today's announcement reflects a broader spectrum of VCs who are putting their weight behind a candidate they believe will bring positive change. And guess what? I’m thrilled to be part of this movement, having proudly signed the Tech4Kamala pledge. As of today, over 550 people have joined in, showing their support in a significant way.
And here’s a fun tidbit: the photos included with this article feature many of these VCs. Some might even be billionaires. But beyond their financial status, these individuals have played pivotal roles in supporting me behind the scenes. It's a reminder of Maya Angelou’s wise words: “When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.” This can be a positive affirmation too—these are people who’ve shown their true colors, and it's been inspiring.
So, why does this matter? This show of support isn’t just about the numbers or the names—it’s about a shared vision for a better future. It’s about how a diverse group of VCs, with a collective $150 billion in their corner, believes that Kamala Harris is the right leader for the job.
In the end, this isn't just a political endorsement. It's a testament to the power of unity and the impact that thoughtful, committed individuals can have when they stand together for what they believe in.
Stay tuned, because this is just the beginning.
